Contemporary art gallery in Lyon
Gallerist, collector, curator, Claude Petitjean has entered the world of art as one enters a dream …
Fifteen years ago, the man left advertising and design-writing to turn, as a volunteer neophyte, to contemporary art. We are then in Aix-en-Provence, and Claude will live his first artistic emotions. Aesthetic references and reverences that initially develop in contact with "raw artists”.
"These off-center artists, under the wind of Raw Art, this art of silents, invisibles, crazy or so-called, have been a major source of inspiration for my artistic future" says Claude Petitjean.
"All these deep intense black works, signed by artists behind bars, whether natural or chemical, are milestones in my artistic culture.” After Aix and Raw Art, and exhibitions in Paris, London, Brussels, Shanghai, Claude Petitjean invests the splendor of Saint-Tropez, then the hexagonal capital of antiquity, Isle-sur-la-Sorgue. Between ruptures and gropings, the gallerist aims for harmony. And the balance of a collection that gradually resonates, and makes talk about her.
As Claude Petitjean advances and progresses, Pop Art also invites itself into his life: "The audacity of the chromas of the American Pop Art Movement" hugged me, comments the gallerist. Soon, an artistic bridge spans the ocean, from "the big apple" to the bubbling French scene ; "Robert Combas, Gerard Schlosser amazed me.” Claude likes free figuration. He finds himself in his subversive lurching and surreal eccentricities.
An art gallery moored in Lyon
Securely settled in the heart of the second district of Lyon, close to Confluence, Claude Petitjean has been running for three years a red thread, tense and radical: highlighting a selection of works and artists freed academics, always instinctive, sometimes instinctual. Bring to the walls a selection of works where the chromatic genius rubs the audacity of unbridled compositions.
Erró, Hiquily, the Cipre sculptor, the erotic and sensual declensions of a Crespel … the works retained by Claude are major.
Notable newcomer, recently arrived in the Petitjean galaxy, the huge CharlElie Couture will be revealed shortly in the heart of the gallery. To be followed very closely too, the seditious work of appropriation of Janklo; the mysterious French artist offers surprising diverted readymades; he packs emptiness at the crossroads of Duchamp and Klein's concepts.
So many works whose crackling hits the front door. "Knocking on heaven's door", the history of art, besieged, gives up and opens its arms.
Claude Petitjean prefers to talk about his role and "simple, but determined gestures."
“To know how to put on the wall masterpieces, pieces able to grab the visitor, and above all, manage to separate from them” blows the gallerist. "And then you feel pain ..."
“It is by letting go that you achieve excellence. We must release the works, let them go, and constantly seek others, even stronger, even better, to be able and disproportionate to propose an exceptional background.”
Claude Petitjean once looked at one of his Combas and said to me, sad and proud at the same time: "this one is going to leave soon ... And if ... and if it was with you ... go ... take, come to the edge, come to the edge, come to the edge and fly.”
A piece of art of the master, since that day, in my living room, illuminates my life and we dream together.
“The world of art, as one enters a dream …”.
Also an artistic consultant, Claude Petitjean develops the programming of an exceptional gallery, the Garance Montador Gallery.
In the heart of Saint-Tropez, the man has developed the artistic line of an exhibition place which was missing in the city: "A breathtaking scenography, aerial volumes ... the gallery is an oasis, a handsome space, dedicated to free figuration, narrative, to pop art. To talent."
Stay Tuned!

60, rue Auguste Comte - 69002 Lyon
Monday : 2 pm-7 pm / Tuesday-Saturday : 10 am-7 pm